Do you really produce white wines in Puglia? But don't you only make reds and rosés?


The Puglia it is not only a land of excellent red and rosé wines but also of excellent whites; a pleasant discovery for many wine lovers and operators in the sector

Last week a beautiful event was held in Rome organized by GOWINE intitolata “All the colors of white” and we were present with our white label, ANIMA BIANCA BOMBINO BIANCO in purity.

The aim of the event was to highlight all the variations of white wine in the various Italian regions and show how valid and varied the offer of white wines is in Italy.


There were many participants, including wine lovers and operators in the HORECA sector, and many of them approached our tasting counter.

The question that almost everyone asked us was “a white wine from Puglia?? Why do you also produce them yourself?”.

Before answering this question I invited them to taste our Bombino Bianco and waited for their comments.

Among these many were: "What a good aroma and what persistence in the mouth!!", "But it seems like a wine from northern Italy", "What a beautiful acidity and what flavor", "I was expecting an intense yellow wine and coarse in the mouth , instead it is a light yellow white with a light and fresh taste”.

In short, a general amazement characterized the tastings of ANIMA BIANCA and everyone was pleasantly impressed that in a region characterized by great red and fresh rosé wines, we are able to offer a white wine with such a particular aromatic and gustatory profile, typical of the territory.

Well yes! Here in the Daunia, in Puglia, excellent white wines are produced, especially if native vines such as are used Bombino Bianco and whether agronomic and oenological techniques are able to enhance the production and ripening balance of the grapes.

In fact, in the case of ANIMA BIANCA, the vineyards were planted on clay-loam soils which allow a good balance between acids, sugars and aromas to be maintained, producing grapes which characterize the aroma of honey and Mediterranean scrub and the savory, appropriately acidic taste and persistent of our Bombino Bianco.

Furthermore, the harvest date is chosen based on both technological (acids and sugars) and phenological (aromas and flavors of the grapes) maturity so that we do not end up with wines that are flat on the nose, too alcoholic and have coarse aromas.

With Anima Bianca we wanted to break a cliché, namely that grapes and therefore white wines of high value and pleasantness cannot be produced in the Daunia vineyards.

We wanted to broaden the perspective on our wine excellences and above all to offer all consumers a further and pleasant piece of what is our great tradition and ability in making wines.

Il Bombino Bianco, together with Nero di Troia, represents a fundamental pillar for our production in our cellar because it is a vine historically linked to our land and which strongly represents its characteristics.

Anima Bianca and Bombino Bianco are therefore another element that will make you savor with every glass, sip after sip, a pleasant experience that will amaze you and that will make you say, from now on, "But what excellent white wines there are in Puglia. !”


Raise your glasses and cheers!!

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